
FCC Classifies Internet Service as a Public Utility

teleskiguy2/26/2015 8:26:58 pm PST

Thank you Lizards for the wonderful support!


61 karma points for one comment?!? I didn’t even think that was possible! Thank you all, I love you all for such lovely words!

I’m doing well. Almost everyone I work with knows where I’m at. I still need to tell my family, I’ll do that when I see them face-to-face, this shit’s too important for just a phone call.

I’m approaching 72 hours sans alcohol. I’ve definitely experienced some withdrawal symptoms, mostly digestive tract stuff (I swear my liver feels like a clenched fist in my chest, it’s not uncomfortable but it’s there) and a marked loss of appetite. Also it’s hard for me to fall asleep.

I wondered if I was going to experience serious withdrawal so I did some reading. Thankfully I think I’ll be okay as none of these are happening to me:

severe vomiting
confusion and disorientation
extreme agitation
seizures or convulsions

Sure, I’m agitated, but I wouldn’t call it severe. :-D

Thank you all again for your support in my alcohol recovery. It means the world!