
Samantha Bee's Preview of the New York Primary Was Hilarious

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/19/2016 11:47:30 pm PDT

The same Leon Wolf has the current headline at RedState, in which he writes:

After this part of the ritual is done, the panelists will go right back to explaining how Trump is just a huge winner and his victory is inevitable, and what Ted Cruz is doing is just futile. I guess they hope you don’t remember how they just explained that Trump will be the first front runner who didn’t clinch before the convention in the last 40 years.

Butthurt indeed.

Even if Cruz won every remaining Republican delegate he won’t make it to 1237, so it is futile to think Cruz can win the nomination based on delegates won.

And Trump is inevitable, unless the GOP decides on day 1 to dump all their rules and throw out all the votes. Which they won’t do.