
Trump Returns From Europe, Immediately Goes on Rage-Tweeting Binge

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷5/28/2017 1:11:21 pm PDT

re: #59 HappyWarrior

You know, I can disagree with people but I find it hysterical that my wingnut friend who is former USMC is posting a photo of Trump in his military academy uniform and a photo of Obama as a college freshman wearing the old time hat with the caption “So nice to have a president we can be proud of.” I just feel like saying really, which of these guys called the military, the military that you served in by the way losers. And Trump never went to Vietnam either. I don’t want to pick a fight with the guy since politics aside he is a genuinely good dude but man he’s misguided af.

I wonder what he thinks of Trump saying he wished he could earn a Purple Heart and he and his state campaign manager Carl Paladino throwing Gold Star Families under the bus? How about STD’s being his personal Vietnam?

You try not to think about dying while you’re in the military (though that is part of the job description), but thinking your Commander-in-Chief or his associates are going to throw your family out the window for a political point is not something I would praise.