
Newly Released Tom Petty Home Recording: "There Goes Angela (Dream Away)"

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)8/28/2020 3:03:47 am PDT

re: #47 The Ghost of a Flea

Yep. Exactly like how somebody had to die a in trench a century ago, and the most egregious cowardice was to ask pointed questions about who, exactly, faced the most danger for what ends.

While they may be overly-casual and put themselves at risk, their calculation—even if it’s erroneous—is that they will be fine, but that any casualty that’s not part of their in-group is inevitable and necessary.

Part of wrapping themselves in the flag of false patriotism is convincing others that they will be dying in good cause; e.g. for the honor of the country. And the fear and loathing side reinforces it since it’s saying that they might need to do so to save everything good - though it pretty much means saving white privilege and the right of the wealthy to stomp over everyone else.

All part of claiming the class war is really a race war. Dividing the enemy by convincing a chunk of the class that their enemy is another part of the same class. (Same playbook that has been in use for a few hundred years. Convince the poor whites that they are superior to everyone else *but* the wealthy whites, and that the artificially created lesser classes are out to get *them*.