
Marcus King: "F*ck My Life Up Again" (Solo Acoustic Version)

ckkatz2/21/2024 8:30:07 pm PST

re: #85 Hecuba’s daughter

There are a whole bunch of issues that the Iranians and their Russian friends tried to set in motion by activating their client militias. All of which are problems for the US and our allies.

That is why Biden sent two carrier task forces to the region. Which might explain one of the reasons why Hezbollah suddenly lost interest in starting a war in the region.

The Israelis are also relocating troops from Gaza to the Lebanese border. And many of the Israeli airstrikes that have been carried out fly through American radar zones. Which requires Israel to brief the United States on what they are doing and get US permission.

That was why I was so curious about the Iranian Natural Gas pipeline explosion last week. I was wondering if it was a pointed warning by one of our more capable allies/clients.

I saw a news blurb today that Iran blamed Israel for it, which confirmed that the explosion happened.

As to the cause. Who knows… There is a sufficient incompetence in that region to cause a pipeline explosion without external assistance. And it gives Iranian authorities something else to wonder about.