
Khaled Abu Toameh on the West Bank and Gaza

lawhawk2/02/2009 1:13:02 pm PST

Syria says that it’s willing to restart its talks with Israel if Israel engages in comprehensive talks. Oh, I’m sure that’s all that Syria wants. Give up the Golan, ensure right of return, and otherwise bend over and lie prostrate before the Islamists, and then Syria might have a peace deal.

Memo to Syria.

You already have peace with Israel and have pretty much had peace with Israel since 1983. You don’t attack Israel directly, and Israel doesn’t destroy your air force and army. Again.

It’s not a perfect situation, but you’ve done without the Golan, and Israel doesn’t have to worry about the Syrians firing rockets down on the Israeli communities in the Galilee. It’s a constant reminder that Israel is just a stone’s throw from taking Damascus.

No, if Syria wants peace, here’s what Israel must demand. No return of the Golan. Normalization of relations, and Syria turns over Hamas and Hizbullah thugs for detention/trial/execution for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and inciting others to engage in genocide.

Everything else is window dressing.