
Charges of IDF 'Wanton Killing' Crumble

FrumiousFalafel3/26/2009 11:55:37 am PDT

There are some signs that the Israelis are finally learning how to fight the media war during a military operation. I’ve read that they were already markedly better during Gaza than during Lebanon II. Further, I’ve read that there is finally a growing realization that more money needs to be put into a professional response team — almost like the rapid response group that Bill Clinton had organized during his first run for presidency (I’m forgetting the name they assigned to that group… anyone?)

But the point is that those of us in the US have been begging, pleading, screaming, etc at Israel to greatly improve their media operations. And it seems that slowly — ever so slowly — the Israelis are getting the message.

One thing I found heartening was the much reduced lack of images during the Gaza campaign as opposed to during Lebanon II. This is because Israel simply refused to allow any media into Gaza — which I think was a damn good idea. They should do that for every operation.

It’s one thing to be a “light unto the nations.” It’s another to let BBC et al. crawl around freely wherever you go to do battle. Let’s hope Bibi will continue to clamp down on media access to battle zones. Although I think the next war is going to be a very nasty missile exchange between Israel and Iran.

The question is: what’s Barak Obama going to do when he get’s that 3AM call from US Air Control in Iraq that they’ve detected 50 - 100 Israeli planes screaming across Iraq on the way to Iran at lightening speeds? And people, this is going to happen probably this year — the “red line” is not the amount of nuclear material Iran creates, but rather when will the Russians finally make delivery on this very sophisticated anti-aircraft system they sold Iran about 5 years ago but have delayed delivery on.

That’s the red line for Israel since apparently only the F22 (which Israel does NOT have) can operate against the top-notch model of this Russian anti-aircraft system. All other fighter planes die within it’s defensive “zone.” In any case, Israel can simply not allow this coordinated system (S-300) to be deployed — it’s widely considered to be a “Game Changer.” It can bring down planes…. get this up to 90 miles away(!) And for comparison, Israel fired their rockets at Syria’s Nuclear plant at 35 miles away.