
Overnight Open Thread

Sharmuta8/11/2009 12:37:07 am PDT

re: #72 ArchangelMichael

I’ve also had it with the utter disdain some have in certain circles of the “right” and Ron Paulestine for intellectualism in general. There are some who are arrogant elitists and some who are just phony baloney con artists, but a complete disdain for education, knowledge, academia, science etc is asinine and not warranted. Complain about arrogance from the intelligent but arrogant person, not about the intelligent part.

Oh- the anti-intellectual movement encompasses all of that. Somehow “intellectual” has become conflated with leftist/socialist/marxist, and not meant for folks on the right (like VDH or Sowell). It’s very much anti-Enlightenment.