
Video: The Arctic Icecap is Not 'Recovering'

kittysaidwoof10/19/2009 2:06:08 pm PDT

1. I am not qualified to make an informed decision about climate change. While there are many things/theories/whatnot in science that can be relatively easily shown and are not that difficult to grasp with a little common sense - like evolution - there are also many other whatnots where I think one would be foolish to presume to understand the issues just because one has read a popular science article or watched a spiffy video. The video looked very convincing. Unfortunately I’m sure somebody could whip up another video that would look just as convincing to argue the opposite side.

2. The vast majority of people talking about climate change aren’t really qualified to make informed decisions either and are in this sense pretty much like me. This includes almost all of the politicians. This is why at least here the political measures sold to us on the premise of global warming hysteria often don’t seem to have much to do with combating global warming.

3. There’s a lot of money in climate change. You can have a nice stable income and lots of respect for whipping up horror scenarios. You can also make a lot of money by debunking the same. I know that on my day I can convince most ordinary people on the utter soundness and absolute correctness of both mutually exclusive sides of several common issues that spring up in my field of specialty.

4. We were taught in school in the early nineties that global warming would pretty much destroy the planet as we know it by 2000. They had nice videos then too. I believed them and was very afraid. What we were told would happen didn’t happen. Now, I’m skeptical of anyone telling me the world’s about to be destroyed. However, the third time the kid yelled wolf there actually was a wolf. The kid should have sacked his communications director.

5. There’s a song here that goes something like this “When I was 8 years old I thought the world is going to be destroyed in a nuclear duel between the superpowers, instead when I grew up it turned out wars are complicated matters where only a few people get killed at a time.” My daughter who is 9 loves the song. I get all nostalgic listening to it, as it reminds my own path of being afraid of and then learning to love the nuclear bomb.

6. Do I have a point? I am not sure. I’m European. Do I need to have a point?