
Obama's Copenhagen Speech

Locker12/18/2009 11:32:02 am PST

re: #85 SixDegrees

A couple of points:

You can’t legislate innovation. It happens at it’s own pace. As someone pointed out earlier this morning, cars didn’t displace horses because horses were taxed and regulated out of existence; cars came along on their own, and were simply better than horses in many ways. In general, good ideas take root and prosper all by themselves. Government can, perhaps, help things along by nudging what’s already happened by itself in the right direction, but it can’t whip up anything new out of thin air.

I don’t think I agree with this statement. The first thing that came to mind is the X Prize Foundation. Innovation can be spurred and encouraged. I think making statements of goal like the moon shot and offering rewards for innovation can focus and encourage people as well as create an atmosphere of progress, which we sorely need.

I know fiscal conservatives don’t like to spend public money on anything but this seems to be something that would contributed directly to the business community.

Just some thoughts.