
Instapundit: 'Shoeshine Boy' Picture Not Racist

89 10:20:07 am PST

re: #84 bj

You assume too much dearie. Relax and learn to spell and back off your radical need to jump on somebody and flex your internet muscles. I’m as far from racist as can be yet born and bred in the South (after the horrors of WWII). At my age, I’ve seen/experienced and lived quite a bit and don’t deserve your label of “sick puppy”. Go bark up somebody else’s tree for your cheap thrills.

Maybe she assumes too much; maybe not.

This is the question I would like to see your answer to:

re: #85 webevintage

Ummm, what is the positive in a picture of the POTUS kneeling at the feet of a failed conservative pol shining her shoes?