
Hamas: Obama Doesn't Write, He Doesn't Call

Dr. Shalit5/11/2010 5:09:19 pm PDT

re: #20 DaddyG

Time for a primer please…

Is the current Hamas leadership the officially elected government of the Gaza territories?

Why or why not.

Who should be recognized as the official government?

What is the current geo-political make up of the area (other than the more general Israeli / Islamic conflict?

Help this poor ignorant lizard!!

Thanks in advance…

Daddy G. -

1. “HAMAS” IS the elected Government of the Gaza Strip ca. 2006.

2. Former Egyptian Territory, as of the 1949 Armistice lines, Taken by Israel in the 1967 War. More or less, 100% Arab, 80+% Muslim. AND, the Egyptians do NOT want them back. The Egyptians consider them “troublesome.” The Israelis EVACUATED Gaza in 2005, unilaterally per the instructions of then PM ARIEL SHARON. Some Israelis who were evicted have YET to be fully resettled in Israel Proper.

3. Bill Gates and others (Mainly US Liberal Jews) bought what were ongoing
Commercial Greenhouses producing fruit and vegetables, turning them over to “Palestinian” Ownership, FOR FREE! - LIKE IN NO MONEY! Same Greenhouses were stripped for their glass and piping - just like out of an episode of THE SOPRANOS based in Newark, NJ. YO, HAMAS! - Bill Gates is NOBODY TO SCREW WITH! Bet HAMAS wonders why M/S is in Israel. NOT “Palestine.”

4. Hope that answers your questions.

That is ALL and MORE than ENOUGH! -S-