
Chris Matthews: Glenn Beck, the John Birch Society, and Fox News

rwmofo2/07/2011 7:04:59 pm PST

re: #71 moderatelyradicalliberal

Even without the crazy the electoral map looks bleak for the GOP because of changes in demographics. Obama won with a lot of states he really didn’t need to win.

Ummm, what? Ya know, we just had an election here.

“The Democrat Party suffered major defeats in many national and state level elections, with many seats switching to Republican Party control. The Republican Party gained 63 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, recapturing the majority, and making it the largest seat change since 1948 and the largest for any midterm election since the 1938 midterm elections. The Republicans gained six seats in the U.S. Senate, expanding its minority, and also gained 680 seats in state legislative races,[3][4][5] to break the previous majority record of 628 set by Democrats in the post-Watergate elections of 1974.[5] This left Republicans in control of 25 state legislatures, compared to the 15 still controlled by Democrats. After the election, Republicans took control of 29 of the 50 State Governorships.”

“The swaying views of self-declared independent voters, however, were largely responsible for the shift from Democratic to Republican gains.”

And for a bonus, all these electoral gains couldn’t have come at a better time. A new census was taken and guess who’s in the driver’s seat to re-draw congressional districts? That’s right. The good guys.