
Time to Stop Candy-Coating It: Birtherism Is Racism

eachus4/13/2011 11:52:31 am PDT

Sorry, I don’t understand any of this. Was it racism in 1964 when Democrats tried to get Barry Goldwater’s name removed from the ballot? He was born in Arizona before it became a state. His parents were US citizens. End of the story for almost 50 years. In 2008, one candidate, born outside the United States, preemptively dealt with the issue. John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone while his father was serving there in the US Navy. The status of the Canal Zone didn’t matter, his parents were both US citizens, so he qualified as a natural born citizen.

Even if as appears likely, Barack Obama was born in Kenya, his mother was a US citizen. Barack Obama never did anything to renounce his US citizenship, so he is qualified to be president. If he was, in fact born in Kenya, any lies involved are not his, and no stain on his character.

So why hasn’t this issued died down and blown away? Because the only evidence that he was born in Hawaii is exactly the opposite. It is the type of certificate that would be filed for someone born while their mother was traveling. Not necessarily out of the country, or even out of the state, but no actual US birth certificate from anywhere else has turned up.

If the press didn’t worship Obama, I’m sure some enterprising journalist would have tried to find a Kenyan birth certificate. Maybe in the future some historian will do so. But as in the cases of Abraham Lincoln, Barry Goldwater, and John McCain. you don’t have to be born in the confines of a US state to be a natural born citizen. (And the founding fathers never dreamed that this issue would come up. The first few presidents were all born in what were at the time British colonies.)