Comment Publishes Ludicrous 'Not-Birther' Article (Wink)

Gus5/17/2012 1:56:04 pm PDT

re: #85 SidewaysQuark

In my pessimistic view, superstition is the eigenstate of humanity, from which logical thought is a mere perturbation. In other words, old habits die hard, and probably always will.

My view is that the hindrance to greater advancement with our civilization is more than mere biblical literalism. It includes the saturation of fiction as reality in the popular media including movies; Ghost Hunters; Alien-Hitler shows; etc. The saturation level is enormous and begins almost as soon as the child is brought home from the hospital maternity ward and placed nearby the television. Add in the popularity of the paranormal and it’s respective “alternative medicine” quackery. So I believe that it’s not just the biblical literalism and includes a possibly larger dose of hokum from secular norms.