
Romney Says He's Not Responsible for Bain After 1999

goddamnedfrank7/13/2012 4:21:39 pm PDT

re: #71 Killgore Trout

there’s not much evidence he did much aside from signing some papers and giving a quote for a press release.

Except for retaining absolute hiring and firing authority, total ownership, three controlling officer titles, a six figure salary and telling the Herald he was going to give investment advice.

Too busy? Jesus, how credulous are you to believe that his team didn’t send him so much as an email requesting his approval of the multi-million dollar deals they wanted him to sign off on. Neverminding the fact that he actually signed off on them under oath.

I don’t get where this childlike faith in the word of a politician who clearly needs to cover his ass comes from. Especially when there’s a growing pile of signed and published documentary evidence contradicting pretty much every bullshit half truth he’s trying to sell.