
In New Interview, Edward Snowden Doubles Down on "Direct Access" Allegation

Yeah Sure WhatEVs7/09/2013 10:37:40 am PDT

re: #859 Targetpractice

We have testimony from other witnesses. We have physical evidence. Neither of which relies upon Trayvon Martin being alive to consider.

You have zero witnesses to what happened. You have witnesses who saw little, some heard some things. You have one witness who said George was on the bottom based on sound reverberation.

You have a poorly spoken black girl who lied about her name and age because she didn’t want to deal with the whole thing. You had her eviscerated and mercilessly teased because of her blackness, repeatedly called a liar by the defense counselors - who, btw, were perfectly ok with the white guy lying for the same reason (I believe it was O’Mara who said, and I quote “That’s understandable” to the very next witness because he didn’t want to come forward.)

The forensic evidence is limited.

But what will always remain true is that Zimmerman killed an unarmed teenager after following him for no reason at all - other than he was black and looked like he didn’t belong. Not only did Zimmerman not just follow Martin, but he instructed the police to call him for a rendezvous point because he wasn’t going to let Martin out of his sight because Zimmerman knew in his heart that this kid was going to break into a house. The whole address/street name was complete and utter bullshit.

He supposedly was in his SUV when Martin approached it, but then felt secure enough to leave the vehicle with a gun and follow Martin.

Come on man. None of that makes any sense. It is on tape (both audio and video).