
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

DistantThunder4/29/2009 3:18:46 pm PDT

People cannot become neurotic (excessive negative reaction) about Republican issues for membership. Some of us have deal breaker issues like abortion. But to create a litmus test that requires 7-10 areas of agreement, just isn’t reasonable.

Specter’s backstabbing association with the Democrats on the most sensitive core issue of fiscal discipline seems like a deal breaker.

Deal breakers for me:
I want to be safe in my home, and in my country via a strong defense, and strong support for the rule of law.
I want a free market economy via low taxes that regulates safety issues.
I want my rights protected as described in the constitution.

I prefer a pro-life president, but not one that is prepared to dismantle Roe v Wade and unleash the vengence of the left.

Everything else is negotiable.