
Breaking: House Passes Health Care Bill

Racer X11/07/2009 11:36:16 pm PST

“…taxing people into choices is fraught with challenges and hazards.” – Dr. David Katz, director of medical studies in public health at Yale University,, 9/17/09

“If your goal is to reduce obesity, this won’t work, because most people won’t stop drinking soda. You can’t change people’s taste buds.” – Richard Williams, managing director of the regulatory studies program and government accountability project at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University,, 9/17/09

“I have never seen it work where a government tells people what to eat and what to drink. If it worked, the Soviet Union would still be around.” – Muhtar Kent, Bloomberg Today, 9/14/09

“I’ve heard of sin taxes, but it’s a sad day when drinking soda is a sin.” – Rep. Hensarling (R-TX), on Fox News “Your world with Neil Cavuto,” 9/8/09

“There’s no more personal choice than how Americans choose to spend their hard-earned money and then the choices they make on the foods and beverages they consume. When the government tells people what foods and beverages they should eat or drink, that crosses a line for many people.” – Kevin Keane, Business Wire, 9/8/09

“Taxes only work so far to get people to change behavior.” – Christopher Boyce, VirginHealthMiles CEO, Fox News Business, 9/1/09