
Overnight Open Thread

Kenneth5/26/2009 8:44:34 am PDT

re: #850 turn

Yes that is a scary thought. I read they have enough plutonium to make 6 bombs. Hey, wasn’t that first bomb only U235? Now they have plutonium oh great. Even China is concerned.

My interpretation is that China is perfectly happy about these recent tests. The diplomatic fallout will be this: the 6 Party Talks will be finally declared a dead end (before you cheer that, consider what the possible alternatives are), at the same time the NoKo issue gets shoved onto Obama’s lap & pushed to the top of his agenda. China steps in a helpful offers to “solve” the NoKo problem by bringing Pyongyang to heal. The price for doing this is that North Korea will never be re-united with South Korea. Instead, North Korea, post-Kim, will become a Chinese client state & a pool of cheap labor for Chinese manufacturers.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a one-time Walmart director, did a heck of a job!