
Defining "Creationism" Down

Phil.2/24/2009 5:10:44 pm PST

Thanos, Naso Thang, Salamantis,

Did you vote for John McCain? Yes/No?

McCain Backs Intelligent Design

In an interview with Arizona Daily Star editors, Sen. John McCain endorsed teaching “intelligent design” in the nation’s schools because “he believes ‘all points of view’ should be available to students studying the origins of mankind.”

I’m not sure if now is the time for the non-crazy segment of the population (ie the non-Obama worshippers) to be demanding litmus tests for candidates for office. We’re either a big tent party or we’re not. If you want to be merely the low tax, Rockerfeller Republican party that sneers your nose at religious people, I hear the 1950s called and they want you back.

If you want your perfect candidate, I, once again, suggest you run for office. You can make the perfect the enemy of the very good if you want. We’re currently dealing with a community agitator organizer who has no ethics whatsoever and seems keen on redistributing all the wealth until there’s no wealth left to give. At a certain point, politics is practical, rather than perfect. Obama got a shitty bill railroaded through COngress that he didn’t even read. Face it, that’s America today.

Your grandkids will be paying that bill off. If you want to make the perfect the enemy of the very good, then don’t be surprised when you find the country poorer and full of liberal Democrats for decades to come.