
LGF on Glenn Beck

sandspur4/16/2009 7:03:56 pm PDT

re: #874 unrealizedviewpoint

She failed to fully fund the state’s pension fund, setting the stage for all governors who followed her to do the same. Now the pension fund is about in the same shape as the Social Security Trust Fund - empty. She did favor tax cuts, but failed to curb spending, making for a larger deficit. She also vetoed a bill outlawing the despicable practice of partial birth abortion.
I wouldn’t say she was overtly racist, but she had a habit of saying the most racially clueless remarks. And she irritated may NJ residents by naming a highway rest stop after Howard Stern in exchange for his endorsement.
In the end, I was sorry I had voted for her, though I might have been sorrier had I voted for her opponent, Florio.
As EPA chief, I thought she was wrong to say that the air at Ground Zero was ok to breathe, when anyone who breathed one breath down there knew it was not.
Just my humble opinion.