
Friday Afternoon Music: Reign of Kindo, 'Nice to Meet You'

Cato the Elder3/26/2010 8:16:50 pm PDT

re: #857 reloadingisnotahobby

We watched ” Hachj”:A dogs Tale!
Warning dog lovers…Have tissue!!

I own three separate books on Hachiko the Hero, the loyal Akita whose statue was melted down during WWII and later replaced; the place where lovers arrange to meet at Shibuya Station.

My own dog, Haku, was name after him and the eponymous character from the movie “Spirited Away” after he came to me as a stray, wounded puppy. The vets told me he was a Shiba Inu, the miniature cousin of Akitas.

It was only after he had grown to be 50% larger than any Shiba that I found out what he was. One day in Central Park, a Korean family asked me where I had gotten the perfect, beautiful Jindo.

“Jin-wha?”, I asked.

Jindo, they said. The national dog of Korea.

And so it proved to be.

So Haku is a Korean dog with a Japanese name. Last weekend, I went to visit an old girlfriend in DC. When we visited her favorite local wineshop, the manager, a Japanese-Korean gent, was so taken with Haku that he wouldn’t let us pay the bill.

I don’t know yet whether I can stand to watch that movie. The French call dogs “les bêtes de chagrin”, because we bond with them like people and yet they die usually long before we do.