
Another Stealth Creationist Bill in Missouri

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/19/2009 4:46:40 pm PST

Part Two:

I have the right to set standards for what my children hear in school….
Yes you do… provided that you do not violate the establishment clause of the Constitution and force my kids to listen to your dogma.

Intelligent Design is a competing theory…
Horse Hockey! You can not do an experiment on God. The notion is not testable or falsifiable. It makes no predictions. It explains nothing. By definition it is not a theory and it can never be one. It is not science, it is a religious statement. By definition, faith is belief in those things which can not be proven. ID can not be proven. By definition it is an article of faith. As such it has no place in a science class except perhaps as an example of what science isn’t.

Irreducible complexity is proof of ID…
Horse Hockey again! Just on the basis of logic without getting into the science, saying “I have no clue how it got that way” is not proof of God or proof of anything. I don’t know simply means I don’t know.
As far as the science goes, look into the actual scientific journals and literature. You will find that we do have transition cases of very complicated systems where the individual parts change function in different contexts as the complexity is reduced.

There is a great scientific conspiracy to punish and exclude brave ID free thinking scientists…
ID is not science. They are no more “punished” than a mathematician would be if he kept swearing 2+2=17 or a preacher would be if he preached that Jesus was a short obese woman from Canada who promoted heroin use amongst teens.

Evolution violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics…
Right, like all of those scientists never studied thermodynamics, just like you didn’t. The second law states that entropy always increases in a closed system. The Earth gets its energy from the sun. The Earth is not a closed system.