
World Net Daily Still Looking for That Nirth Certifikit

victor_yugo4/08/2009 8:57:41 pm PDT

re: #881 sngnsgt

A lesson in physics and the cost, time and trouble of making a commercial ! !
If you thought that the people who set up a room full of dominos to have them knocked over later was amazing, you haven’t seen anything yet.

There are no computer graphics or digital tricks in these images. Everything that you see happened in real time exactly as you see it.

If that’s the video I think it is (sorry, not enough bandwidth for video here), there is a smidge of CGI, as the muffler is rolling across the floor. They didn’t have enough space to do the whole thing, so they split it into two parts, and the rolling muffler is how they joined the two parts together.

Only a small cheat, and not at all detracting from the incredible end product.