
Age of Hooper at the Inauguration

realwest1/21/2009 10:23:25 pm PST

re: #835 Maximu§
I agree completely and I’m afraid some of them - I call them “sleepers” are already amongst us waiting to pull shit like that.
Those of us who are fortunate enough to comment regularly out here I think OWE IT to Charles and LGF to a) report any comment of that ilk and b) Strongly disagree with such poster as soon as we see the comment.
I know I’ve probably pissed off Charles or the Monitor lizards by reporting comments that seemed to me to be out of line when Charles or the Monitors disagreed with me, but I’m going to keep reporting ‘em and let Charles make the call. I truly HATE the way Kos, DU and Huffpoo - among others - rather routinely allow posters to call for violence against the POTUS - or at least when Bush was POTUS and if a comment THERE dared to question posting stuff like that, he or she would be deleted.