
Friday Afternoon Open

Tigger20052/06/2009 2:15:47 pm PST

Cato, you simply do not understand evolution. I know you think you do, but you don’t. You need to do more reading on the subject.

You seem to think evolution is the survival of the most selfish and ruthless. This is not true. Evolution is the survival of whatever WORKS, during a given period of time, under a given set of conditions, to keep a species going. As long as altruism assists in the survival and perpetuation of a species, there’s no reason for it to be bred out of the population. Sure, you might still have alpha males that try to kill all offspring that aren’t their own, but you also have females who “adopt” orphaned infants, or assist relatives in caring for their babies.

Particularly with highly complex, highly social, and highly intelligent species, who cooperate at least as much as they compete in order to survive, you’re going to have a great deal of variation within populations. There is no reason for this variation to be bred out if it is beneficial or neutral with respect to the continuation of the population.

As for property being “anti-Darwin” … WHY? HOW? If owning property helps a man survive, procure wives, have children, etc., how is it anti-Darwin? The fact of the matter is, we evolved to be a mix of both selfish and acquisitive and cooperative, altruistic, sharing creatures. BOTH sets of qualities have aided in our survival.

re: #653 Cato

re: #560 jaunte

Charles, I gave you evidence. Anal intercourse, abortion, altruism, or beastiality. All are things that need to be ruthlessly weeded out by natural selection but have not been. Why? Because human life is nothing like the life of a bacterium or a weasel (unless you are leftist). Natural selection doesn’t really apply to humans. It why we do not go around seeking to impregnate women with each sexual act and eat all we can and fight for territory. The very notion of property is anti-Darwin.

jaunte, Darwin never had a theory of “species advantage”. It was the reproduction of individuals with specific variations that leads to energizes the process of natural selection. Nothing in ANY Darwinian or neo-Darwinian literature explains, for example, the Catholic nun who has given up breeding for herself yet aids in birthing other people’s babies.