
Violence in Tehran, Suicide Bomber at Ayatollah's Tomb

Rexatosis6/20/2009 12:58:32 pm PDT

The rhetorical position (or lack thereof) of the Obama Administration will not have any real impact on the events currently occuring in Iran. However the rhetorical position is important with regard to positioning the United States vis-a-vis Iran in the future. President Obama’s rather tepid and limited response does little to foster any kind of tactical or strategic position related to Iran down the road. President Obama’s policy of engagement is in tatters due to events (though one may argue the policy was based on a fundamental lack of understanding of the nature of the theocratic regime in Iran). The current lack of vigorous defense of democratic principles in this case will not benefit the United States in negotiations or relations with Iran if the current “dictatorship” is overthrown nor will it help if the Mullahs hold power. The current position of the Obama Administration is very weak and will not help the United States vis-a-vis Iran, nor inspire confidence in the Obama Administration in Iraq, Afghanistan, among our Allies, etc. One can either lead or follow, President Obama seems to have choosen not to rhetorically lead in this case. I see no benefit from this policy choice.