
Noonan: Can We Play 'Grown-Up' Now?

DaveinMD5/30/2009 3:48:41 am PDT

DAMN, I came in too late. If anyone is still reading this, I only have one thing to say about “moderates and RINOs” being the future of the GOP. John McCain. How’d that work out for us? About as well as I expected. It’s a blind spot, akin to the one Liberals have about Socialism. “It hasn’t ever worked, it always makes things worse, let’s give it one more chance!” Centrist my aching butt! Stand up! Stand up for your principles! It’s not just conservatism, it’s COMMON SENSE! Which, by the way, is an oxymoron. The conservative “brand” may be unpopular, but the IDEAS are still what counts, and the only thing that will save the GOP and possibly the nation. Quit calling it “conservatism” and call it what it is. Sound policy that WORKS. Keep any idea that WORKS, and dump the crap that doesn’t, and the people who want to trash the party and the nation for the sake of centrism.