
Update on Arizona Anti-Immigrant Murder Case

gman6/18/2009 8:18:46 am PDT

re: #898 BohicaTwentyTwo

What about when cops go bad? Aren’t dirty cops also a significant threat due to their weapons and law enforcement training? Shouldn’t the DHS report have mentioned “disgtruntled law enforcement officers” as well as disgruntled military veterans? How about disgruntled security guards or disgruntled hunters or anyone else who has firearms experience and is “disgruntled?” What makes military veterans such as myself more susceptible to extremist radicalization and recruitment?

The DHS report qualifies it’s remarks by saying “the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.” So, it’s the frustrations of reintegration that could lead to potential problems not the weapons training per se. The frustrations of reintegration from military life back to civilian life are well known and the military has been providing classes to help with that process for decades.