
Kentucky Derby Bans All Interchangeable Lens Cameras for 'Security Purposes'

Reality Based Steve4/24/2013 5:16:47 pm PDT

They had something like that at an outdoor concert here in Nashville last year, you couldn’t bring in what they considered a “Pro” camera. It’s a stupid rule that has nothing to do with security, but more to protect the official event photogs and prevent somebody from videoing the concert.

Petty little rules put in place by petty little people. I need to talk to an old friend of mine that used to be an editor for a paper, see if he can maybe get me a “Press Pass”. (of course, if I were the type that rebelled against stupid petty regulations, I bet I could jimmy up one that looks 100% legit, and just make sure it’s from a paper in a town a bit down the road, so they probably haven’t seen one.

Hi, Yea I’m Steve, I’m with the Littletown General Flyer.