
Video: Obama's Statement on Shutdown (w/ Questions)

Kragar10/08/2013 11:03:54 am PDT

Tea party leader: GOP passed ‘clean defund Obamcare’ and ‘clean delay Obamacare’ bills

While speaking with MSNBC’s Chris Jansing on Tuesday, Kremer made it clear that Republicans had a different definition of “clean.”

“President Obama keeps saying bring a CR — bring a clean CR to the floor let them vote on it,” Kremer said. “Well, my question is, why doesn’t [Senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid bring the clean defund Obamacare [bill] to the floor and let the Senate vote on it? Why doesn’t he bring the clean delay Obamacare bill to the floor and let them vote on that?”

“I mean, it goes both ways,” she added. “They’re both responsible.”