
The Bob & Chez Show: Librarian From Outer Space

lawhawk9/23/2016 9:00:18 am PDT

So, it’s now T-3 before the first debate. Ooooh. Whatever will the pundits discuss this weekend? How Trump’s been preparing his entire life for this moment, being a tv personality? Or how Clinton can’t manage to prepare for Trump because Trump is so unpredictable?

There’s actually a predictable amount of bullshit spewed by people who should know better.

Trump will perform much as he did in the primaries - lying his ass off. He’ll try to get a few signature lines in, but if you hit him squarely on his lies, he comes off as a buffoon. He lacks the gravitas, let alone the character and judgment people want in a president (though note his supporters think the lack of character and judgment is a positive).

Clinton’s dealt with people like this her entire life. Trump’s just another in a long line of people who don’t think much of women, and she knows how to deal with them.

Senator Rick Lazio couldn’t be reached for comment.

The biggest difference between Clinton and Trump’s GOP opponents is that Clinton doesn’t need Trump’s supporters to win. She has to convince moderates and independents that Trump is antithetical to their - and our - national interests. She can highlight his bigot brigade, as a massive shortcoming to his character and judgment and not worry that she might offend people that she needs to win (unlike the GOP primaries, where Jeb, Rubio, Cruz, etc., all needed to win over Trump voters if they wanted a chance to win the nomination). Different constituencies involved.

Trump has to hope that the moderator doesn’t call him on his BS, because it’d happen early and often - though Trump will then spin and attempts to real-time fact check as everyone in the media opposing Trump - the righteous indignation claim that will further entrench the bigot brigade’s and ignorant GOP view of the media.