
Oath Keepers: 'Globalists' in a Panic, May Cancel Election

CriticalDragon117711/04/2016 12:00:27 pm PDT

re: #1 EiMitch

Lemme get this straight: “globalists” are plotting to take over our country and enslave us all. And they have the power to cancel our elections, and the capability to false-flag besiege us from within as a pretext for doing so. Yet, that wasn’t Plan A. No, getting a hawkish democrat elected President was Plan A, because we’ve seen how powerless Congress is to resist any agenda of the oval office. Now “they” are worried that a Putin brown-nose might win instead and protect America’s sovereignty from “their” plot.

My head hurts.

Don’t forget that perpetual drone strike Obama is really a secret Muslim working with ISIS and Al Qeada.