
Awesome New Jam From Bokanté: "Nou Tout Sé Yonn"

Captain Magic5/07/2017 6:31:18 pm PDT

Same as it ever was…..

Dear Millenials: Here’s some rules about politics you may have not been taught in school that you need to understand:

(1) Politics is not a spectator event-you must participate (namely, vote) if you even want to stand a chance of making any change. If you don’t vote, you have zero reason to complain about whatever action the government takes that affects others—including you.

(2) The current politicians in office really don’t care about you as an individual-at all. That’s one reason why they have shafted you and your parents when it came to the whole Student Loan fiasco, while giving the profits to the for-profit educational system (Remember-privatize the profits, socialize the losses….)

I’m A Politician

(3) If you really want to make change, I’m afraid you cannot realy on your current set of Congresscritters to do it. No, Millenials, you are unfortunately going to have to pick up the political mantle from the current corrupted cronies in Congress, clean it up and run with it-and whether you like it or not, some of you will be forced into doing it away.

The mid-terms are coming up in 2018. So-what are you waiting for? What are you going to do to control your own groups destiny?

Think about it-but not too long. Too much time is being lost already.