
Pat Metheny: "Kin" (Live at the Five Angels Theater, New York / 2014)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷12/26/2019 10:15:19 pm PST

re: #8 sagehen

“Caught the attention of” or “struck fear in the hearts of”?

I don’t want a nominee who honeymooned in the USSR, insists M4A is the only way, and believes the people will rise up and DEMAND congress enact his wholly unrealistic agenda.

ETA: and oh yeah, recently had a heart attack and needed stents.

I could forgive the honeymoon in the USSR. Lots of people went to the USSR.

I also think Medicare-for-All is a realistic plan if implemented gradually. The current capitalistic model of healthcare cannot be sustained; there is something deeply wrong when a nation has “medical bankruptcies” like my mother is facing now.

Sen. Sanders’s plans are unrealistic in the sense that politics does not move in a new direction all at once. History is replete with so-called “turning points,” but those turning points required a whole lot of granular movement to get to that point.