
Some More News: All of 2024's Hottest Conspiracy Theories

William Lewis4/10/2024 11:39:58 am PDT

Over at one of my two primary photo websites we have a new member who’s an older fellow full of lots of… questions. I think he’s serious but he still comes across as more than a little bit trollish… Today’s moment was a pointless question “What’s the whole point of taking pictures?” Most of the others were trying to at least semi-seriously answer him. I wasn’t.

My reply was:

Why photograph? Because it’s an easier way to deal with the world than to drink a fifth (or smoke a lid for that matter) before noon on a day off.

And on a good day, I might even have something other than a hangover to upload to

I’ll leave it as an exercise to the reader to decide how serious this particular aesthetic philosophy is.

He does tempt me to nom a Delta 9 gummy though. Twit.