
Keith Jarrett: "In Front" (From 1971's "Facing You")

Unabogie5/12/2024 4:50:10 pm PDT

re: #7 Joe Bacon ✅

I’m not surprised he’s doing this. I had to deal with his mother who is a complete racist sack of ssshhhaaavvviiinnnggg cream!

‘Johnny McEntee, senior advisor to Project 2025, claims he distributes fake money (5-dollar bills) to homeless people so that when they use it, they will be arrested.

‘He asserts that he does this to help “clean up the street.”’

Two things (three things actually): first of all, I guess he was so busy a clever little troll, he didn’t realize this is illegal … plus: ain’t this a lotta trouble just to show the world you’re an asshole?

Secondly, considering inflation, does anyone even check a 5-dollar bill anymore? … he might be just victimizing the businesses … you know, the businesses conservatives allegedly support

I’m racking my brain trying to understand the mindset that would drive a person to, effective or not, attempt to send a destitute human being, who is starving on the streets, to prison on a trumped up charge of counterfeiting.

I can’t say here what I’d do if I ever met that scumbag in person.