
Sekrit Counter-Jihad Summit Held

vxbush5/24/2009 4:57:17 pm PDT

re: #2 Sharmuta


About the “counter-jihad” going secret- I don’t understand it. I thought they were proud of their work and there were no issues with their alliance because their friends are pure as the driven snow. So why the secrecy?

I think this is supposed to answer it—from the link that Charles posted:

Some of the most brilliant minds of the Western world were present in Steen’s flat on those two nights. If the world were organized rationally, these people would hold political office or be helping to form public policy in their respective countries. But, as it is, they have to use pseudonyms, hide their activities, and fly under the radar to avoid persecution for mounting a resistance to the destruction of their countries and their cultures.

Emphasis mine.