
Overnight Open Thread

Killgore Trout9/04/2009 11:28:37 pm PDT
I do detest all offices — all, at least, that are held on a political tenure. And I want nothing to do with politicians. Their hearts wither away, and die out of their bodies. Their consciences are turned to india-rubber, or to some substance as black as that, and which will stretch as much.

— Nathaniel Hawthorne

I was considering this earlier. Their is a hierarchy of offices…
1)Modern politicians in democracies at least have to work for it.
2) Then we have guys like the Pope and the Dali lama . I’m sure there’s political positioning and favors to be swapped but it seems mostly about connections, etc.
3) Next we have military/religious dictators. It does take work, effort and some political positioning. Brute force is the key but it does require effort.
4) the bottom of the list for me is monarchs who inherit leadership by nothing more than birthright. I’m not sure if there’s anything lower on the scale.