
The Methane Apocalypse

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/08/2010 6:28:27 pm PDT

re: #3 Joo-LiZ

We can’t really direct fix this. It’s gas bubbling up over a huge area.

We need to hyperinvest in green technology. We need to do it right away. Nuclear, tidal generators, hydro, solar, everygoddamnthing, right away. We need to stop throwing away crap when it gets a little break and fix it instead. We need to look back at some of the values of our ancestors— the smart ones, anyway.

We need to culturally admit that this is fucking happening, which, thanks to nihilists and greedheads, is now an uphill battle.

We need to develop carbon capture technology, so that we can start sucking CO2 out of the air. Methane, too— but that’s still not a ‘direct’ fix because there’s no way we can do it at the rate it’s being emitted.

And we have to hope we have enough time, and that the weird, nihilistic forces fighting against letting people understand the situation don’t triumph.

I have become very pessimistic about that.