
Silver Surfer #1, 'The Origin of the Silver Surfer' (August 1968)

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/21/2010 9:12:12 pm PDT

Updated and expanded!

Press release from Fox.

Dear real Americans,

The progressive left has once again used their domination of the media to unfairly smear our fair and balanced reporting of today’s most crucial issues.
We here at Fox, know what real American values are. We understand that the average American is rightly enraged at the advances of international communism in this nation and the fact that our battle is so hard fought. We have true faith though that this great Christian nation will push past these dark times and revitalize the clean, unstained America that our forefathers meant for us when they founded this great Christian Nation.

We will bring you the truth of how great and good Christian men like Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Reagan fought to keep our nation safe from all pollution - be it the perverse ideas of foreigners or the domestic enemies that are so much more dangerous.

We understand that the progressives are winning this fight. They have put one of their own in the White House. The great founders might weep that an atheist communist Muslim foreigner is in their vaunted house of freedom, but we can not editorialize on that. We only report the facts and leave it to you, the viewer to decide if you still want America as it should be. The progressives may have stained the airwaves and our government with their endless lies and slurs against us but we shall stay above the fray and only report the nes that all good Americans need to hear.

We know that we are in a difficult battle against many forces. The liberal elite is called elite for a reason. They control the airwaves and they control the academic institutions of this nation. They control the scientists and they use the greatest hoax in human history, so called, Global Warming, to scare the good people of America into accepting yet more freedoms taken from them as they march our great nation towards a one world socialist state where Jesus will be outlawed and good clean Americans will be herded into slave camps. But we can not editorialize on that either. We only report the facts in a fair and balanced way and let you, the loyal American viewer decide. We ask the tough questions like, was Obama really born in Kenya? Does he want to take away fishing rights? How soon will he turn America over to an evil one world government run by international bankers? Is it true that he smokes around old ladies on respirators so that they will die more quickly. It is true that he wnts to take away your God gven right to smoke? We promise to never pollute your airwaves with filthy progressive propaganda.

Therefore we have taken as a model the information distribution of other great freedom fighters in the past who understood the dangers of world communism and the threat of polluting liberal and alien agents in one’s own homeland. We do not editorialize we only point out the rat infestation that is so obvious to us all - that sickening, eternal rat infestation aided by unclean people of questionable backgrounds and aided and abetted by those self hating traitors to America who teach filth to our children in our schools and universities. We will bring you this news quickly and fairly to all sides. We will use the best investigative techniques. We will let you, the viewer, decide if you want to save America.

Fox proudly announces that we are the:

Volksministerium fr das Wohl des Volkes”

Which means in God’s tongue, English,

The people’s ministry for the good of the people.

We are Fox “Volksministerium fr das Wohl des Volkes” News!

We are on your side America!