
GOP Congressional Candidate Pamela Gorman Really Likes Guns

Mad Prophet Ludwig6/29/2010 4:00:00 pm PDT

So, her qualifications are:

1. Jesus person. There is a difference between being a Christian - you know, humble spiritual follower of Christ who despises violence, and a politician who advertises with guns.

2. Serious gun nut.

3. Doesn’t like taxes.

OK, so let’s compare to actual qualifications for leadership:

1. Education and experience that would make a good leader.

2. Understanding of policy.

3. Policy ideas of one’s own.

4. The ability to communicate said ideas and explain why they are good ones.

5. Have them actually be good ideas.

6. The type of moral fiber that understands that actual faith is an internal thing and not an external advertisement to cheapen both it and oneself with.

Yet, this is ultimately why America is so very screwed up and a shining example of why our democracy is broken. Too many yo-yuks elect other yo-yuks.