
Pamela Geller: Muslims Cannot be Astronauts

CuriousLurker8/07/2010 2:02:12 pm PDT

re: #2 Charles

Some of the commenters for Geller’s blatantly bigoted post:

Green Infidel said…
where does the new-found Muslim fascination with space come from? Is there something up there they are plotting to get their hands on??

Saturday, August 07, 2010 at 04:12 AM

Green Infidel seems to have forgotten that we worship a moon god (if you look real close you can tell that the man in the moon is Muslim). It’s all part of the 6th column we’re establishing to simultaneously overtake America from space and on the ground. The entire solar system is in on it, with our moon god leading the charge. Soon we’ll be the overlords of the entire cosmos. BWAHAHAHAHA!!

The “new-found” fascination with space is indeed odd. I mean, pfft, it’s not as if there have been many Muslim scientists or anything, right?