
Washington Post Op-Ed: If People Think Obama's A Muslim, It's Obama's Fault

theheat11/16/2010 6:11:03 am PST

re: #8 riggbeck

Right now, I’d settle for a humanist of any color. The religion aspect of the presidency brings so much controversy and illogical bullshit, it’s hardly worth it. If the POTUS isn’t pandering to some religious sect or grandstanding at a public prayer service, they’re being criticized for being the wrong religion.

I’m for a president that deals in FACTS; the here and now, and what’s REAL. I don’t want a POTUS that thinks they’re talking to God, or God talks to them, or God will save us from whatever stupid shit we’re doing, or we’re making God mad when gays get married, or whatever other thing they persist in framing in religious terms. Let’s stress critical thinking for awhile, keep the religion out of the equation, and see how that goes. I’d bet money the outcome would be better.

And, as a little footnote, I have to say I believe Obama has given all religions props, including those who choose not to follow any religion at all. That in itself has been refreshing. Yet, he’s blasted for it. I mean, WTF, people. Get a grip.