
Israel considering annexing settlements if Palestinians proceed with UN member-state bid.

Ziggy_TARDIS9/18/2011 3:47:02 pm PDT

re: #8 Bob Levin

Oslo was a territorial arrangement in making the West Bank into zones, which would, over time, lead to a more permanent arrangement. Netanyahu undercut that.

I won’t listen to Likud. No amount of excuses will make me accept their past, especially when they show no regret or apology for it, even when has made Israel’s life harder.

In any case, the Palestinians have legitimate grievances regarding past issues. Again, with the water issue. I don’t see the Israelis rationing water, while the Palestinians are forced to. In Hebron, in H2 zone, 30,000 Palestinians are under curfew for 500 settlers who act is massively unkind ways, such as attacking children coming back from school.

The Palestinians are being asked to give up Jerusalem, as not having any sort of control over their skies.

In fact, some people have said that at this point, with the settlements being where they are, a Palestinian State is no longer viable.

re: #6 Samson

Except for the Arab Towns in 1948, right? You know, like Deir Yassin, Ramla, and Lydda? No side here is of pure action. Haganah acted as probably the best actor in the 1948 War, but Irgun (which would later become Likud) was one of the worst.

In addition, given enough time, people will be able to visit the religious sites on the other side of the line. However, that means peace as soon as possible.