
Tom Waits on the Fallon Show: Raised Right Men

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/11/2012 6:59:38 pm PDT

Furthering the idea that getting booed is part of the political strategy:

Romney Says It’s OK He Got Booed, Defends His NAACP Speech

Addressing a private fundraiser this evening, Mitt Romney made reference to his speech to the NAACP when he was booed several times by the crowd, telling supporters, “I don’t give different speeches to different audiences.”

“I gave the same same speech,” said Romney at the event, which was held at the Daly Mansion in Hamilton, Montana, and was open to a small group of reporters. “When I mentioned I am going to get rid of Obamacare they weren’t happy.”

The crowd in Houston earlier Wednesday held a sustained boo — for about 15 seconds — when Romney vowed to eliminate Obamacare, a program he called “expensive” and “non-essential.”

“That’s OK,” said Romney, of the response he received at the NAACP. “I want people to know what I stand for and if I don’t stand for what they want, go vote for someone else, that’s just fine.”


It was all planned.