
Attack on Christian Housing Project in Jerusalem Ignored

Buck9/23/2012 10:58:44 am PDT

re: #7 theye1

You can’t see the racism in that site? A site that seems dedicated too silencing a Palestinian point-of-view, and diminishing the presence of Arab Muslims in the region? You can’t see the problem when almost all mention of Palestinians is in only context of “Propagandist” or “Terrorist.”

Correct, because it doesn’t happen that way. I see you accusations, your charges as it were, but they are not true.

“dedicated too (sic) silencing a Palestinian point-of-view”

That is not what the site is dedicated to. It is mostly for exposing the media’s double standard when it comes to reporting falsehoods about Israel.

“diminishing the presence of Arab Muslims in the region”.

Again, not even close. I have never seen anything said/written on that site that can be called “diminishing the presence of Arab Muslims in the region”.

Palestinians is in only context of “Propagandist” or “Terrorist.”

This is false as well. This is in no way racist. The site has a POV, much like Media Maters would.