
The Two Most Ridiculous Right Wing Shutdown-Related Fake Outrages

Justanotherhuman10/06/2013 2:11:00 pm PDT

How in hell did a 9 yr old do this? Not only did he have money, he stole a piece of luggage. Cheeeez, my kids still had a babysitter at 9 yrs old; they weren’t latchkey kids until they were teens.

Nine-year-old stowaway had scoped out airport day before his flight to Las Vegas

“The 9-year-old boy who stowed away on a Delta flight from Minneapolis to Las Vegas on Thursday passed through three security checkpoints at the airport without a boarding pass or identification, officials and an airline expert said Sunday.

The boy got through the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) checkpoint, past a Delta gate agent and didn’t get scrutinized by flight attendants before the plane took off, said Terry Trippler, owner of

“The boy blended in with a family traveling with children, and if an adult handed the TSA agent six boarding passes, it would be fairly easy to miss it if there were seven people, Trippler said.”

Sounds to me as though everyone treated him as though he was invisible.