
Video: Lawrence O'Donnell Debates Snowden With Steve Clemons and John Schindler

lawhawk12/18/2013 6:44:23 am PST

re: #83 darthstar

Because examining what the US was doing to find out about Brazilian policy would reveal gaping holes in Brazilian security practices they’d rather not publicize. It would further shed light on what the Brazilians did elsewhere in the world (spying on others to find out critical information that policymakers in Brazil needs to make foreign policy and national security decisions).

Snowden and Greenwald’s entire strategy is to blow up spycraft and intel agencies and the way that they carry out work that helps inform national security and foreign policy decisions. Who benefits from this, especially when the target of their document dumps is the US and its relationship with other countries, including allies and significant trade partners?

Russia and China to name but two. Undermining US relationships, particularly with 3d world countries, opens the door for both Russia and China to make forays into those markets/regions. Where has Snowden sought refuge until now? Russia and China.

It’s no coincidence.